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Winning the (Un)luckiest Draw


The Game

A lottery is taking place in a QQ group.

The prize is Code Vein, a nice action game.

The gifter sends out a bunch of red packets with a random amount of money in each. The person who gets the least amount of money wins the game. Think about Sai Weng lost his horse -- what seems to be unfortunate is a blessing.

The total amount of money is 10 yuan. 30 people are expected to participate.

I opened a red packet -- 0.67 yuan. Not a bad one, only if the luckiest draw wins the game.


With Code Vein out of the question, when should I grab the red packet?

Take a guess

According to an employee in Wechat (in Chinese), the red packets' values are determined at the time they are opened, rather than the time they are sent out. And the value is chosen from a uniform distribution between 0.00 yuan and 2 times the average of the remaining red packets. For example, there are 10 packets and 3 yuan left, then the value of next red packet XU[0.00,3.00/10×2]X \sim \mathcal{U}_{[0.00, 3.00/10 \times 2]}. The result is clipped to 0.01 yuan minimum and rounded to the nearest 0.01 yuan.

Assume it is true, in the beginning the remaining amount is definite and certain, so we have a uniform distribution. After nn draws, the uncertainty of the remaining amount grows. And since the amount of the red packet depends on this remaining money, it will get more uncertainty as well.

Therefore, if we want to win, and do not know how much is taken, we should enter as late as possible.

I will show you how I approached this problem, with some code.

The Math


For simplicity, let the lower bound to be 0, and let there be no rounding to the nearest 0.01 yuan, nor having a minimum of 0.01 yuan.

Let there be nn red packets with a total value of yy. The money of each draw is X1,X2,,XnX_1, X_2, \dots, X_n.


X1U[0,2y/n]X_1 \sim \mathcal{U}_{[0, 2y/n]}

Or its PDF,

p_X1(x)={n/2yx[0,2y/n]0otherwise p\_{X_1}(x) = \begin{cases} n/2y & x \in [0, 2y/n] \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}

For the second packet, we have

p_X2X1=x1(x)={n12y2x1x[0,2(yx1)/(n1)]0otherwise p\_{X_2|X_1=x_1}(x) = \begin{cases} \frac{n-1}{2y - 2x_1} & x \in [0, 2(y-x_1)/(n-1)] \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}

Sum it over all possible x1x_1 gives us the prior probability distribution of X2X_2.

pX2(x)=n2y02y/nn12y2x11[0,2y2x1n1](x)dx1,x0 p*{X_2}(x) = \frac{n}{2y}\int*{0}^{2y/n}\frac{n-1}{2y-2x*1}\mathbf{1}*{[0, \frac{2y-2x_1}{n-1}]}(x)dx_1, x \ge 0

Where 1A(x)={1xA0otherwise\mathbf{1}_A(x) = \begin{cases} 1 & x \in A\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}

So we want to know when this indicator function 1\mathbf{1} gives a value of 1.

Solving 2y2x1n1x\frac{2y-2x_1}{n-1} \ge x gives us

x1yn12xx_1 \le y - \frac{n-1}{2}x

So outside [0,min{2yn,yn12x}][0, \text{min}\{\frac{2y}{n}, y - \frac{n-1}{2}x\}], the conditional PDF is zero.

The integration hence becomes:

n2y0min{2y/n,y(n1)x/2}n12y2x1dx1\frac{n}{2y}\int_{0}^{\text{min}\{2y/n, y - (n-1)x/2\}}\frac{n-1}{2y-2x_1}dx_1

Depending on xx, there are two cases:

  1. 2y/ny(n1)x/22y/n \ge y - (n-1)x/2, i.e. x2(n2)(n1)nyx \ge \frac{2(n-2)}{(n-1)n} y,

    Then the integration comes to

    pX2(x)=n(n1)4ylog2y(n1)xp_{X_2}(x) = \frac{n(n-1)}{4y}\log{\frac{2y}{(n-1)x}}

  2. 2y/ny(n1)x/22y/n \le y - (n-1)x/2, similarly, we get

    pX2(x)=n(n1)4ylognn2p_{X_2}(x) = \frac{n(n-1)}{4y}\log{\frac{n}{n-2}}

Writing them together:

pX2(x)={n(n1)4ylognn20xn2n12ynn(n1)4ylog2y(n1)xn2n2yn1x2yn1p_{X_2}(x) = \begin{cases} \frac{n(n-1)}{4y}\log{\frac{n}{n-2}} & 0 \le x \le \frac{n-2}{n-1}\frac{2y}{n}\\ \frac{n(n-1)}{4y}\log{\frac{2y}{(n-1)x}} & \frac{n-2}{n}\frac{2y}{n-1} \le x \le \frac{2y}{n-1} \end{cases}

I decided to go to ChatGPT for help in plotting, and it was more than helpful -- it could even fix errors using the error message.

Anyways, here is the graph of the PDF function:

n=30, y=10, X_2 PDF


Spare me with a Monte-Carlo to get the histogram of the third red packet...

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Parameters
n = 30
y = 10
num_samples = 1000000
current = 3

partial_sums = np.zeros(num_samples)
samples = []
for i in range(current):
    if (i == n - 1):
        samples.append(y - partial_sums)
        samples.append(np.random.uniform(0, 2*(y - partial_sums)/(n-i)))
    partial_sums += samples[i]

# Plot histogram
plt.hist(samples[current - 1], bins=1000, density=True, alpha=0.7, label=f'Approximated PDF of red packet #{current}')
plt.title(f'Histogram of $X_{{{current}}}$')
n=30, y=10, X_3 histogram

To do it with algebra, we can look at the self-similarity of the problem. Imagine we have (n1)(n-1) red packets with a sum of (yx1)(y-x_1) yuan. The second red packet has a distribution of:

pX3X1(x)={(n1)(n2)4(yx1)logn1n30xn3n12(yx1)n2(n1)(n2)4(yx1)log2(yx1)(n2)xn3n12(yx1)n2x2(yx1)n2 p_{X_3|X_1}(x) = \begin{cases} \frac{(n-1)(n-2)}{4(y-x_1)}\log{\frac{n-1}{n-3}} & 0 \le x \le \frac{n-3}{n-1}\frac{2(y-x_1)}{n-2}\\ \frac{(n-1)(n-2)}{4(y-x_1)}\log{\frac{2(y-x_1)}{(n-2)x}} & \frac{n-3}{n-1}\frac{2(y-x_1)}{n-2} \le x \le \frac{2(y-x_1)}{n-2} \end{cases}


f1(x1)=(n1)(n2)4(yx1)logn1n3f2(x1)=(n1)(n2)4(yx1)log2(yx1)(n2)xf_1(x_1) = \frac{(n-1)(n-2)}{4(y-x_1)}\log{\frac{n-1}{n-3}} \\ f_2(x_1) = \frac{(n-1)(n-2)}{4(y-x_1)}\log{\frac{2(y-x_1)}{(n-2)x}}

Solving xn3n12(yx1)n2x\le \frac{n-3}{n-1}\frac{2(y-x_1)}{n-2} gives us x1y(n2)(n1)2(n3)xx_1 \le y - \frac{(n-2)(n-1)}{2(n-3)}x, so it is:

pX3(x)=n2y(0y(n2)(n1)2(n3)xf1(x1)1[0,2y/n](x1)dx1+y(n2)(n1)2(n3)xyn22xf2(x1)1[0,2y/n](x1)dx1)p_{X_3}(x) = \frac{n}{2y}\left(\int_{0}^{y-\frac{(n-2)(n-1)}{2(n-3)}x}f_1(x_1)\mathbf{1}_{[0,2y/n]}(x_1)dx_1 + \int_{y-\frac{(n-2)(n-1)}{2(n-3)}x}^{y-\frac{n-2}{2}x}f_2(x_1)\mathbf{1}_{[0,2y/n]}(x_1)dx_1\right)


Therefore, there are four segments:

  1. 2yny(n2)(n1)2(n3)xx2(n3)(n1)ny\frac{2y}{n} \le y - \frac{(n-2)(n-1)}{2(n-3)}x \Rightarrow x \le \frac{2(n-3)}{(n-1)n}y, in which case
pX3(x)=n2y02ynf1(x1)dx1 \begin{align*} p_{X_3}(x) & = \frac{n}{2y}\int_{0}^{\frac{2y}{n}}f_1(x_1)dx_1\\ \end{align*}
  1. 2(n3)(n1)nyx2(n3)y(n1)(n2)\frac{2(n-3)}{(n-1)n}y \le x \le \frac{2(n-3)y}{(n-1)(n-2)}, after this interval the left integral disappears.
pX3(x)=n2y(0y(n2)(n1)x2(n3)f1(x1)dx1+y(n2)(n1)x2(n3)2ynf2(x1)dx1) \begin{align*} p_{X_3}(x) & = \frac{n}{2y}\left(\int_{0}^{y-\frac{(n-2)(n-1)x}{2(n-3)}}f_1(x_1)dx_1 + \int_{y-\frac{(n-2)(n-1)x}{2(n-3)}}^{\frac{2y}{n}}f_2(x_1)dx_1 \right) \\ \end{align*}
  1. 2(n3)y(n1)(n2)x2yn\frac{2(n-3)y}{(n-1)(n-2)} \le x \le \frac{2y}{n}, after this interval the upper bound of the integral becomes y(n2)x2y-\frac{(n-2)x}{2}
pX3(x)=n2y02ynf2(x1)dx1 \begin{align*} p_{X_3}(x) & = \frac{n}{2y}\int_{0}^{\frac{2y}{n}}f_2(x_1)dx_1\\ \end{align*}
  1. 2ynx2yn2 \frac{2y}{n} \le x \le \frac{2y}{n-2}, after this interval the possibility vanishes. pX3(x)=n2y0y(n2)x2f2(x1)dx1 \begin{align*} p_{X_3}(x) & = \frac{n}{2y}\int_{0}^{y-\frac{(n-2)x}{2}}f_2(x_1)dx_1\\ \end{align*}

Solving it gives:

pX3(x)={18y(n2)(n1)nlog(n1n3)log(nn2)0x2(n3)(n1)nyn(n2)(n1)16y((log2(2n3+1)log2(2ynx))+2log(n1n3)(log(2y)log((n2)(n1)xn3)))2(n3)(n1)nyx2(n3)y(n1)(n2)(n2)(n1)n16ylog(nn2)log(4y2(n2)nx2)2(n3)y(n1)(n2)x2yn(n2)(n1)n16ylog2(2y(n2)x)2ynx2yn2p_{X_3}(x) = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{8y} (n-2) (n-1) n \log \left(\frac{n-1}{n-3}\right) \log \left(\frac{n}{n-2}\right) & 0 \le x \le \frac{2(n-3)}{(n-1)n}y\\ \frac{n(n-2)(n-1)}{16y} \left(\left(\log ^2\left(\frac{2}{n-3}+1\right)-\log ^2\left(\frac{2 y}{n x}\right)\right)+ 2 \log \left(\frac{n-1}{n-3}\right) \left(\log (2 y)-\log \left(\frac{(n-2) (n-1) x}{n-3}\right)\right)\right) & \frac{2(n-3)}{(n-1)n}y \le x \le \frac{2(n-3)y}{(n-1)(n-2)}\\ \frac{(n-2) (n-1) n}{16y} \log \left(\frac{n}{n-2}\right) \log \left(\frac{4 y^2}{(n-2) n x^2}\right) & \frac{2(n-3)y}{(n-1)(n-2)} \le x \le \frac{2y}{n}\\ \frac{(n-2) (n-1) n}{16y} \log ^2\left(\frac{2 y}{(n-2) x}\right) & \frac{2y}{n} \le x \le \frac{2y}{n-2} \end{cases}

And a smooth PDF graph for n=30,y=10n=30, y=10:

n=30, y=10, x3 pdf

How it agrees with the Monte Carlo:

Monte Carlo Comparison


And with the Monte Carlo method, we can also take a look at the last red packet:

n=30, y=10, X_30 histogram

The histogram looks pretty much like the right half of a normal function. But it was rejected, and the p-value is zero in double precision.

Finding Estimates

Since it is hard to calculate the exact function, as the pieces increase one fold with each draw, let us assume the right part is a normal distribution, and to see if it reaches some kind of a fixed point. If it is I am more confident to say it is.

First the constant part on the left, solving for x4x_4, we have:

x42(n4)(yx1)(n2)(n1)x_4 \le \frac{2(n-4)(y-x_1)}{(n-2)(n-1)} x1y(n2)(n1)2(n4)x4x_1 \le y - \frac{(n-2)(n-1)}{2(n-4)}x_4

For the interal to be constant, this upper bound should be larger than 2yn\frac{2y}{n}, so

y(n2)(n1)2(n4)x42ynx42(n4)yn(n1)\begin{align*} y-\frac{(n-2)(n-1)}{2(n-4)} x_4 & \ge \frac{2y}{n}\\ x_4 & \le \frac{2(n-4)y}{n(n-1)} \end{align*}

For the mm-th draw, it can be proved inductively to be:

xm2(nm)yn(n1)hn,y(m)x_m \le \frac{2(n-m)y}{n(n-1)} \equiv h_{n,y}(m)

However, it does not agree with larger nn's. Here is a histogram of X50X_{50}, n=100n=100:

n=100, y=10, X_50 histogram

The plateau seems to continue until 0.17, but by prediction it should start declining at 0.10.

So we know it is increasingly close to zero as more draw increases. Its value in the interval is:

gn,y(m)n!(nm)!2myi=2mlogni+2nig_{n,y}(m) \equiv \frac{n!}{(n-m)!2^my}\prod_{i=2}^m\log\frac{n-i+2}{n-i}

Plotting them out somehow looks like this:


Not very revealing to say the least.

For the curve part, first I assume that the curve part is like (let y=1y = 1, g(m)=gn,1(m)g(m) = g_{n,1}(m), h(m)h(m) similarly)

fXm(x)={g(m)0xh(m)g(m)k(xh(m)2nmh(m))h(m)x2nmf_{X_m}(x) = \begin{cases} g(m) & 0 \le x \le h(m)\\ g(m)k\left(\frac{x-h(m)}{\frac{2}{n-m}-h(m)}\right) & h(m) \le x \le \frac{2}{n-m} \end{cases}

So for the next red packet we have:

fXm+1X1(x)={g(m)1x10xh(m)(1x1)g(m)1x1k(x1x1h(m)2nm+1h(m))h(m)(1x1)x2nm(1x1)f_{X_{m+1}|X_1}(x) = \begin{cases} \frac{g(m)}{1-x_1} & 0 \le x \le h(m)(1-x_1)\\ \frac{g(m)}{1-x_1} k\left(\frac{\frac{x}{1-x_1}-h(m)}{\frac{2}{n-m+1} - h(m)}\right) & h(m)(1-x_1) \le x \le \frac{2}{n-m}(1-x_1) \end{cases}

And it seems that we will still get a multiplying number of segments for the next function.

So I think I will just try and see if half-normal is a fixed point.

Let h(m)=0h(m) = 0, we have:

fXm(x)=g(m)k(x(nm+1)2)f_{X_m}(x) = g(m)k(\frac{x(n-m+1)}2)

And becomes this (1):

fXm+1(x)=02ng(m)k(x(nm)211x1)n2dx1f_{X_{m+1}}(x) = \int_0^{\frac{2}{n}} g(m)k(\frac{x(n-m)}{2}\frac{1}{1-x_1})\frac{n}{2}dx_1

Assuming km(t)=eαt2k_{m}(t) = e^{-\alpha t^2}, then the right hand side becomes:

fXm+1(x)=n202neα(nm2(1x1)x)2dx1f_{X_{m+1}}(x) = \frac{n}2\int_{0}^{\frac{2}{n}} e^{-\alpha \left(\frac{n-m}{2(1-x_1)}x\right)^2} dx_1

Which, according to Mathematica, evaluates to

12n(παt(erf(αnt2n)+erf(αt))+(2n1)eαn2t2(n2)2+eαt2)\frac{1}{2} n \left(\sqrt{\pi \alpha } t \left(\text{erf}\left(\frac{\sqrt{\alpha } n t}{2-n}\right)+\text{erf}\left(\sqrt{\alpha } t\right)\right)+\left(\frac{2}{n}-1\right) e^{-\frac{\alpha n^2 t^2}{(n-2)^2}}+e^{-\alpha t^2}\right)

Because it tends to eαt2e^{-\alpha t^2} when nn tends to infinite, the two sides of (1) will be equal.

For the PDF to be normalized

1g(m)=02nm+1k(x(nm+1)/2)dx=2απnm+1erf(12α)\begin{align*} \frac{1}{g(m)} & = \int_0^{\frac{2}{n-m+1}} k(x(n-m+1)/2) dx\\ & = \frac{\sqrt{2\alpha \pi}}{n-m+1}\text{erf}\left(\frac{1}{2\sqrt{\alpha}}\right) \end{align*}

Since σ=2πn\sigma = \frac{\sqrt{2\pi}}{n}, the mean of the half-norm is μ=2n\mu = \frac{2}{n}. It agrees with the actual value when disregarding the error terms. So it is a possibility. Since it is currently out of my reach to figure out the plateau part, I believe Monte Carlo is the best way to go for now.

Running away from Difficulties

Using Monte Carlo it is easy to figure out the chance of winning for each people drawing.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Parameters
n = 30
Y = 10
num_samples = 1000000
current = n

partial_sums = np.zeros(num_samples)
samples = np.zeros((n, num_samples))
for i in range(current):
    if (i == n - 1):
        samples[i, :] = Y - partial_sums
        samples[i, :] = np.random.uniform(0, 2*(Y - partial_sums)/(n-i))
    partial_sums += samples[i, :]

min_samples = np.argmin(samples, axis=0)

# Plot histogram
# use (n+1) bins so [0, n] is filled
plt.hist(min_samples, bins=np.arange(n+2), density=True, histtype='stepfilled', rwidth=1, alpha=0.7)
plt.xlabel(f'$n$-th Draw')
plt.title(f'Chance of Being The Unluckiest, n={n}')
# plt.legend()

Here is the graph:

Unluckiest chance, n=30

We can see the last person to draw has a better chance of winning, it has an advantage at around 1/3.

Changing nn to 100, we still see a smaller advantage.

Unluckiest chance, n=100

What I found surprising is the luckiest draw. The last draws have a huge advantage, then the first few, the middle ones have the least chance of being the luckiest:

Chance of being the Luckiest

If we take into consideration rounding up to 0.01yuan if the random number is less than it, or to the closest 0.01 yuan, we need to take care of breaking ties:

for i in range(current):
    if (i == n - 1):
        samples[i, :] = Y - partial_sums
        samples[i, :] = np.random.uniform(0, 2*(Y - partial_sums)/(n-i))
    samples[i, :] = np.clip(samples[i, :], 0.01, np.inf)
    samples[i, :] = np.round(samples[i, :] / 0.01) * 0.01
    partial_sums += samples[i, :]

# Since argmin returns the first occurrence, the first draw will be highly favored
# when there are multiple 0.01 packets,
# so we need a fair way of breaking ties:
# If the red packet amount equals the least amount, assign a 1, otherwise a 0
# so if we add a random [0, 1) number to it, we can randomly break ties when there are multiple minimums
min_samples = np.argmax(np.random.random((n, num_samples)) + (samples == np.min(samples, axis=0)), axis=0)

But the graph is the same:

n=30, y=10, with rounding and clipping, randomly break ties

That is about it.


If you are aiming for the unluckiest, wait until the last minute if you can. You can get a little more value.

You may completely whiff it because QQ and Wechat don't tell you how many red packets are gone, though!