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Given Name


Finding the name is the easy part. There is a file headerNavLinks.ts inside data, and it contains links to the pages, the same as what the header has. Searching for its reference leads me to Header.tsx.

  <Link href="/" aria-label={siteMetadata.headerTitle}>
    <div className="flex items-center justify-between">
      <div className="mr-3">
        <Logo />
      {typeof siteMetadata.headerTitle === 'string' ? (
        <div className="hidden h-6 text-2xl font-semibold sm:block">{siteMetadata.headerTitle}</div>
      ) : (

Clicking on siteMetadata directs me to data/siteMetadata.js which contains the title of the blog, and other information.

What is hard is to give it a name.

The previous blog site of mine,, is named Goddess Unknown. The "Unknown" part, if I remember it right, comes from Player Unknown's Battlegrounds, a shooting game.

One phrase I recently came to like is 'Et omnia vanitas', from a game I do not name here. In the game, the motto is said to have a twist 'despite' to the 'everything is vanity'. Despite everything is vanity,

Another motto starts with '幾重にも辛酸を舐め', which means 'tasting the bitterness however many times', also from a game which I dare not name here. The latter correlates to Yamanaka Yukimori's '我に七難八苦を与えたまえ' (Lit. 'Give me seven hardships and eight sufferings'), or '天将降大任于斯人也' from Mencius.

On second thought, I want to take a word from Misty E'ra, a song in DJMAX Respect. It uses a conlang only appears in this song and a sequel, Misty E'ra "Mui". 'Misty' means flawless, pure. There is a word for 'voice', but I need to know which one it is.

fah shu nee

주문의 목소리가 들리네 (Lit. The voice of the spell is heard)

ha dec fah klee

나지막한 비명이 들려온다 (Lit. A faint scream is heard)

zvah dum vrah lee klee nee

고요한 하늘에 바람을 타고 오는 목소리 (Lit. quiet sky wind ride come voice)

Ha ve

조용히 퍼지는 (Lit. Quietly spreading)

svui no du ha lue klee

마침내 마지막 날 조용하게 스며온다. (Lit. Finally, the last day quietly seeps in.)

veshu, me de su te ar

두려워하라, 내가 눈을 뜰 것이니 (Lit. Afraid, my eyes will open.)

see na floo

마지막 우리의 기도임을 (Lit. Last our prayer )

fleh soo vit mah

그땐 알지 못했어 (Lit. I didn't know then)

Hash tu clen ar

하쉬의 의지는 영원할 것이다 (Lit. Hash's will will be eternal)

u no fech sumoo dum cle di

더 이상 슬픔과 눈물은 없기를

하늘 높이 외쳐본다 (Lit. more sadness and tears no longer shout high in the sky)

From the first song, Misty E'ra:

Fah si da me tu

I shout out my earnest will

Dum cle li ve

will resound high in the sky

na floo fleh du vac si

Our prayers were granted that day.

Ke flah du klee

Believe, the day of salvation will come

Which is clear to me is 'ha' is quiet, 'dum' is sky. Suppose 'fah' means hear, 'klee' means come,

ha dec fah klee -> quiet shout? hear come

fah shu nee -> hear spell voice

zvah dum vrah lee klee nee -> quiet? sky wind ride come voice

Ha ve -> quiet spread

svui no du ha lue klee -> finally last day quiet ? come

na floo fleh du vac si -> our prayer that day granted??

fleh soo vit mah -> that time? (know not)?

veshu, me de su te ar -> fear, I 's eye open will

'de' means ''s' from 'Hash de lui' (Hash's prophecy) and 'Mich de halleh' (everyone's praise).

So it comes down to 'Misty Nee', so not sure I like the sound of it. Plus misty is a word so it is easy to misunderstand.

Just call it 'Misty Mui' then. A child it is, flawless and pure. Purely technical, that is. With the exception of this post, sadly.

Sorry if it is copyrighted!

I will change the icon later. Not a priority now.